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Sign Up in minutes by filling out our registration form. Then select the plan that best suits your needs. There are no hidden fees, just clear, affordable pricing for full access.
We found that most businesses either fail or never get started due to the same challenges and obstacles.
Our advanced education system is designed to help you start from zero with minimal effort, guiding you through every step until automation takes over. Once the system kicks in, it works tirelessly to grow your business exponentially, so you can achieve success without the constant grind.
Building a powerful team doesn’t have to be overwhelming or complex. Our advanced automation takes care of recruitment and team organization, allowing you to focus on scaling your business.
Sign Up in minutes by filling out our registration form. Then select the plan that best suits your needs. There are no hidden fees, just clear, affordable pricing for full access.
To keep your account safe and ensure that everything meets industry standards, we'll guide your details through a quick and secure verification process, protecting your information and ensuring a smooth, reliable experience
With our educational resources, you’ll quickly learn how to scale your business effortlessly. Once your profile is complete, you'll have full access to our tools
We don’t reinvent the wheel, but we do take proven strategies used by successful companies and enhance them with cutting-edge technology and personalized support. Our unique approach ensures you stand out and simplifies your path to success.
"The only way to build a great business is to help others build great businesses."
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work."
"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
Orkona is a complete solution designed to help you build and grow your own online business network. It provides two key components: high-quality education and powerful software. First, Orkona teaches you everything you need to know about creating and managing a profitable online business. Then, it gives you the tools to put that knowledge into action.
You can choose to build your business entirely on your own or use Orkona’s already made software, which simplifies and automates the process. Whether you’re starting from scratch or scaling up, Orkona is here to help you achieve real income and long-term success. With Orkona, building your online business network has never been easier or more accessible.
Orkona offers a commission-based payout structure for those who wants to grow their business within the Orkona network. But that’s not all—our advanced automation tools make it easy to build and expand your network effortlessly.
Orkona shares up to 70% of its profits through its network. This means that you can earn 60% of the commissions generated by the company!
It’s important to note that each matrix has a limited number of participants. This ensures the system works efficiently and sustainably, unlike models that promise unlimited growth—which simply aren’t practical. With Orkona, you get a realistic, automated, and profitable way to build your business and earn real income.
Orkona uses a forced matrix plan, a structured network model where each participant has a limited number of direct connections, but the network expands exponentially as it grows. This ensures even distribution and maximizes teamwork.
Combined with high-end automation, Orkona’s software can build and manage networks of over thousands of people effortlessly, saving you time and helping you scale your business faster and more efficiently.
Absolutely! Orkona is designed to be flexible and efficient, allowing you to build your business even with limited time. Our automated systems and user-friendly tools allow you to manage your business with minimal time investment while still making progress.
However, it’s important to remember that the more time you invest in building your business—no matter where you are or what you’re doing—the greater your success will be.
No, Orkona is not free to use. During the concept stage, our focus is on building a strong, informed community. Early participants will gain a clear understanding of the platform’s capabilities and what to expect as we prepare for the full launch.
After the official launch, a flat monthly subscription fee will be introduced, providing access to the complete suite of features and tools designed to help you grow and scale your business effectively.
At Orkona, security is our priority. As a registered firm in Europe, we operate with transparency and trust. We use advanced SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular updates to protect your data—no crypto scams or shady practices here.
Partnered with trusted providers like Stripe, Visa, and Mastercard, we ensure secure and seamless transactions.
Orkona’s business model is clear, simple and truly unique. We reinvest a significant amount of our profits into marketing campaigns, ensuring that with every new customer, our marketing budget grows and our reach expands. This means more visibility and opportunities for Orkona!
This innovative approach is why there’s no other business model in the world like Orkona—it’s designed to grow with you and for you, creating unmatched potential for success.
No, prior experience is not necessary! Orkona is designed for everyone, regardless of your experience level. Our easy-to-follow educational resources will guide you through the entire process, making it accessible even for beginners.